Keep your toes toasty.


Whether you’re heading off to a snowy region this season or stepping into the elements just outside your door, make sure you’re dressed appropriately for the weather. It’s important to wear layers of warm clothes, but don’t forget your feet. Continue reading

Protect your feet from indoor sports injuries.


In the winter months, many of us move our exercise routine indoors. From running on the health club track, participating in court sports such as basketball or tennis, or skating on indoor ice rinks, indoor sports can cause many types of foot or ankle injuries. Continue reading

People with diabetes need to keep feet fit.


Fall brings changing leaves, cooler weather and the start of the holiday season. It also brings National Diabetes Awareness Month in November and a good time for a reminder about the importance of foot care to those who have this disease. Continue reading

Parents: are your kids wearing the right shoes?


Did you know your child’s feet can grow up to two sizes in six months? You need to account for growth when buying shoes. But don’t buy shoes that are too big — oversized shoes cause the foot to slide forward, putting excessive pressure on the toes. Continue reading

You can avoid the ‘shoe blues’


Do your feet hurt more since summertime has ended? You’re not alone. We see a lot of patients like you each fall. When it comes time to put the sandals away, these patients get the shoe blues. Continue reading

Arthritis needn’t slow down boomers.


Baby boomers aren’t ready to slow down, even if their bodies are. If you’re a member of the Me Generation, seek care if you develop joint pain in your toes, feet or ankles. While there is no fountain of youth for a degenerative condition like arthritis, there are more medical options available than ever before. The earlier your arthritis is diagnosed, the more options are available for treatment. Continue reading

Go easy on treats, and vigilant on feet.


Autumn brings lots of tasty temptations like Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pumpkin pie and holiday cookies. It also marks National Diabetes Month in November, a good reminder for those with diabetes to watch what they eat and keep their blood sugar under control. Continue reading

Enjoying fall walks.


The cooler fall weather is the perfect time to take walks around the neighborhood, in the woods or a park to soak in the beautiful changing colors. Continue reading

Runners: stress fractures can slow you down.


With the growing popularity of marathon running, we are seeing more patients with stress fractures of the foot, especially in first- time marathoners. Many times new runners enter a race with little or improper long-distance training. Continue reading

Enjoy pregnancy without foot pain.


“Oh my aching feet” is a phrase heard frequently in our practice from pregnant patients. Many believe their sore feet are a symptom they just must deal with during their pregnancy. But, the good news is, there are many remedies available to help alleviate foot pain. Continue reading

Don’t ignore big toe pain.


The joint at the base of your big toe takes a It’s best to have your toe examined when beating each day. It has to bend with each step you take, gets jammed when you make quick stops or twisting motions, and deals with added stress when placed in high-heeled shoes. Continue reading

Summer tips for fit feet.


Protect your feet this summer! We want you to spend these months enjoying backyard BBQs and relaxing in the pool — not in our office. But remember, pain in your feet is not normal. Continue reading

Men: are you smart sandal shoppers?


Lots of women wear sandals during the summer months and men are wearing sandals more and more too. Sales of men’s sandals grew 20% between 2005 and 2007. However, there is a difference between a good sandal and a bad one in terms of your feet. Continue reading

Tips for a safer barefoot summer.


Going barefoot is one of the pleasures of summer. Whether you’re vacationing at the beach, picnicking at the park, or strolling across the backyard, there’s something liberating about going au natural below the ankles. Continue reading

Protect kids from serious skateboard injuries.


Children and young adults love the thrill of skateboarding. They learn to master their skills of “riding the rail” and “catching air.” But these types of tricks, while fun, can be physically demanding and can cause serious foot and ankle injuries or conditions if not practiced safely. Continue reading

Keep your feet fit in the new year.


The New Year is almost here and many are ready to follow through with resolutions to exercise and lose weight. When starting your workout, remember these tips to keep your feet safe and comfortable. Continue reading

Heat things up with winter sports.


Skiing at a resort or gliding across an indoor ice rink make for great winter recreation. Use caution in winter sports, though, so you can finish the day with hot cocoa instead of a cast and crutches. Continue reading

New Year. New healthier you!


Let the new year be the year of a healthier you. If you’ve been putting off having foot surgery to correct bunions or hammertoes, make a commitment to yourself for fit feet this year. Continue reading